Job Name : Bihar Secondary Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) 2019 and Physical Education & Health Instructor Ability Test 2019

Brief detail about Post : Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) invites application form for Secondary Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) and Physical Education & Health Instructor Ability Test 2019.

  • Sectors : Govt
  • States : Bihar
  • Districts : Patna
  • Degree : Post-Graduate,Graduation
  • Exam Type : Offline-Objective
Important Dates for job
  • Advertisement: 12-07-2019, 05-08-2019, 28-08-2019, 30-08-2019
  • Application Start: 09/09/2019
  • Application Last Date: 25/09/2019
  • Payment Last Date: 25/09/2019
  • Additional Dates: Edit of Application Form (Only for the applicants who have completed Online Application) is 15th September 2019 to 25th September 2019 - 11:59 PM
Application fees
  • GEN: STET Paper I or II: Rs.500, Paper I+II: Rs.800 and Physical & Health Rs.500
  • OBC: STET Paper I or II: Rs.500, Paper I+II: Rs.800 and Physical & Health Rs.500
  • SC/ST: STET Paper I or II: Rs.300, Paper I+II: Rs.500 and Physical & Health Rs.300
Qualifications and eligibilies

Education Qualifications: Master Degree or/and Bachelor Degree with B.Ed (please see detail information given below if your are applying for it.

Age Eligibilities: GEN Male: 37yrs, GEN female: 40yrs, OBC( Male & Female): 40yrs, SC (Male & Female): 42yrs

Post And Vacancies Details

For post details, please download Advertisment file from below table named as "Importance Links And Dowmloads".

Jobs full Details




Candidate should ensure that they possess the prescribed minimum qualification and fulfill all conditions / criteria for the post as given in the advertisement.
2. E-mail ID and mobile number which are mandatory for the application must be a valid one. Under no circumstances, candidate should share /mention registration no. to any other person.
3. Before submitting the application form, the candidates are directed to check the data and satisfy that the details entered by them are true and correct in all respect, before they submit the application. Once the application is submitted, no further change in data will be entertained.
4. The ONLINE application form for Registration contains basic data viz., Personal details, Education Details, Work Experience, Photo & signature upload, Preview /Edit, Payment and Registration slip.
The Online application form ………and Registration Slip: 
Stage 1: Basic Registration by clicking on “Register (New Candidate)” and Generation of Unique Registration Number. A SMS and Email (please check SPAM) is sent on successful registration.  
NOTE: Online Form is not complete at this stage. You have to click on “LOGIN to Continue” or Re-login to complete the form. 
  Stage 2: RE-LOGIN by clicking on “Login (Already Registered)” with UNIQUE REGISTRATION NUMBER and DATE OF BIRTH and completion of form by completing the following tabs: 
1.       Personal Details & Educational Qualification 
2.       Upload of Photograph & Signatures 
3.       Payment of Fees & Generation of Registration Slip.   
5. Candidates may note, that if any information provided in the application form is found to be false during verification, or at a future date, their application/candidature will be summarily rejected without assigning any reasons/notice therefor.
6. If your amount is deducted, not able to generate registration slip. Please login and click on "PayNow" button.






Applicants must ensure that they possess requisite qualifications, as shown in the Details of the Posts and fulfil all the required criteria before applying for the post.


The aspiring applicants may submit their applications through online only from 09.09.2019 (11:00 A.M.) to 18.09.2019 (11:59) and no other mode of application shall be accepted. Before applying online, applicants must ensure that they have with them a valid E-mail ID and an active Mobile Number.


The detail procedure of submitting online application is as follows:


  • Initial Registration: First time users will have to get themselves registered first by clicking on ‘Register (New Candidate)’ and providing the requisite information such as Name, Mobile No, Email Id, Gender, and Date of Birth, as required in the form. Applicants must ensure that they enter all details marked as mandatory (*), otherwise they will not be able to proceed further. After providing the desired information, in Initial Registration click on “Submit and Continue” button. The applicants will have to check the filled details carefully before clicking this button, as they will not be permitted to make changes in their application at later stage.


  • 'Registration - Step 1 Completed': After submission, Application Number and Password will be sent to the registered email ID and mobile number of the applicants through E-mail/SMS, using which they will be able to login further to complete the online application submission process and print the Registration Slip before the close of the Registration Process.


  • Login to Continue / Login (Already Registered): The applicants will have to login using the Application Number and Password, sent to them through e-mail and SMS to fill up all the required information in the Personal and Educational Details page, followed by Upload Photograph and Signature page, followed by Preview page and then Payment Page (if applicable).


  • Upload Photograph and Signature:


    • The colour passport size photograph must be a recent one, taken looking directly at the camera against a white or light background.


    • Wearing of caps, hats or any tinted or dark glasses is not acceptable while the photograph is being taken. Religious head wear is allowed but it must not cover the face. Your eyes and face should be clearly visible.


    • If there is a red-eye effect in the photograph, please edit to remove it.


    • Maximum size of the photograph and scanned signature of the candidate, to be uploaded, photo should be of 100-150 KB and signature of 50-100 KB and the Dimension should be 3.5 cms (width) X 4.5 cms (height)


  • Payment – The applicant will be able to pay Through net banking/Debit Card/Credit Card.
  • Generation of Registration Slip: Registration slip will be generated after successful completion of payment. The applicants will be able to take print out of the Registration Slip by clicking on the “Print Registration Slip” button.


Support: For any Technical Queries, the applicants may send their queries to the


Email : E-mail ID:-



  1. How do I access the site to fill up the online application?


Ans: Applicants should visit to to access the web portal of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) for online application Click on New Registration to fill the Application form.


  1. Is it mandatory to have an e-mail ID?


Ans: Yes. The applicant must have a valid email ID to apply for any post and keep it unchanged during the course of the recruitment process. All communications will be mailed at the email ID submitted at the time of registration.



  1. Is it mandatory to have a Mobile Number?


Ans:    Yes. The applicant must enter a valid and active mobile number to receive messages at various stages of recruitment.


  1. When can I submit online application for various posts?


Ans:    The applicants can submit their Online Application during the time limit prescribed in advertisement, released by BSEB. They can do so at any time of the


day including Sundays and Holidays. After the time duration the link for filling up of the application will not be available.


  1. Is there any detailed instructions to guide an applicant for submitting online application?


Ans:    Yes, an applicant may go through the detailed instructions available at “How to Apply” in the link


  1. What should I do if there is a lot of delay in accessing the page?


Ans: The delay in accessing the Page depends upon various factors like Internet Speed, large number of applicants trying to register the application at the same time etc. Therefore, if you are not able to get the page for registration promptly, please retry after some time or during off-peak hours. It is advisable not to wait for last minute rush.


  1. What information/ details / items are required while filling up the online application




Ans: The details required for submission of the application form are: fee, Photograph, and Signature have been explained in the guideline and instructions (How to Apply).

  1. What is the procedure to pay the application fee for the examination? Ans:



Name of the post (s)








Secondary Teacher (Paper-I)

500 300 300 500

500 500



Senior Secondary Teacher (Paper-II)

500 300 300 500

500 500



Physical Education & Health Instructor 500 300 300 500

500 500



Paper I & II

800 500 500 800

800 800


Allahabad Bank has been authorized to collect the application  fee through


Payment Gateway Service only. A summarized process flow is given below:


STEP A: Candidates upon registering themselves at the BSEB recruitment portal and verifying their eligibility based on own submission, will be able to pay the Application Fees using Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking and other modes as made available to them in the Payment Gateway of the said Bank. Clicking on ‘Fee Payment link in the recruitment portal will display the brief details of the applicant. The applicant will have to click on ‘Proceed to Pay’ after verifying the displayed details, which will direct him/her to the Canara Payment Gateway Service page. Using the requisite details, the applicants can make payment.


STEP B: Upon successful payment of Application Fees (as applicable) a system generated Registration Slip will be generated, which shall be the sole acknowledgement for application submission by the candidate. Candidates are requested to take a printout of the Registration Slip and retain a copy of the same for future reference, as acknowledgement of submission of application.


Please Note:


All applicable commission / transaction charges including taxes, levied by the banker, will have to be remitted by the applicant.


Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are, therefore, requested to verify their eligibility and information furnished during submission of application before paying the Application Fees.


Candidature of any applicant, who registers oneself at the BSEB recruitment portal but fails to deposit the Application Fee within the midnight of 18.09.2019, shall be summarily rejected. Candidates are required to complete the entire process of submission of application and deposition of application fee to the bank within the aforesaid date positively.


The BSEB shall not be responsible for any technical issues arising with payment of application fees.


Application Fee shall not be collected by any other mode.


  1. My acknowledgment form is not generated, what should I do and how to contact to BSEB?


Ans:     Please check whether:


  1. you are connected to a network and logged in.


  1. you have uploaded the scanned copy of a recent coloured photograph and signature successfully.


  1. you have paid requisite application fees as per your category/eligibility for the post applied for.


In case the problem still persists, you may contact us through the below mentioned helpline numbers on any working day from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM (Saturdays up to 1:00



E-mail ID:-


  1. I have made a typing mistake while filling up online application form, what should I do?


Ans: Request for change/correction of any particulars in the application form shall not be entertained after last date of submission of online application. The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) will permit to change/make correction in the application only for uploaded document. The corrected application form will be treated as final. BSEB will not entertain any further request for any kind of change/correction to entry in application form will lead to cancellation of the application form.


  1. I have successfully submitted the online application, should I send the print outs of the application to the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) by post?


Ans:    No, Once the applicant has been submitted successfully, the application through online, the same gets registered with the West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited (BSEB).


  1. When the relevant particulars i.e. the community/ age relaxation requirements/ disability status/ year of birth etc. do not appear in the corresponding parameters available in the drop-out menu. How should I fill up the relevant columns?


Ans: Before filling up the application, please check that you have selected the right examination in case more than one exam is notified during that period, although it may not happen as the required columns along with the drop-down menu for selection and inputting the information is available on the online form for a particular examination.


  1. In which format the scanned photograph and signature?


Ans:    The images of the photograph and signature should be scanned in the .jpg or .jpeg format only.


  1. What should be the size of the scanned photograph and the signature? Ans: Allowed sizes are as follows:-
    1. Photograph Size equal to or less than 100-150 KB&
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